Stuck In a Rut? How To Move Forward With Your Teaching Business!


The new year is HERE and there are tons of ideas swimming around in your head about how you can make your teaching business more successful in 2012. Most of the time you know exactly what to do next; knowing what to do isn’t really the problem. The problem is often just taking action…taking that bold step into doing the things you know will bring you the results you want to see in your business.

I recently read a VERY cool article by Sonia Simone over at that TOTALLY inspired me to take that next crazy, scary step in growing my own business…so I thought I would share it with you, and also try to apply that same powerful message to TEACHING GUITAR so you can hopefully be inspired to take some bold action yourself!

I’m going to quote pretty heavily from Sonia’s article, because it’s just SO GOOD. Here’s a great quote from that article that really sums up the problem:

You’re stuck again.

You know what you’re supposed to do. It’s not a matter of knowing the next steps — you know them, all right. You just aren’t taking them.

You watch while others pass you by. People who aren’t as good as you. People who don’t work as hard as you do.


Something is holding you back from taking the next step. From doing the scary part — the part that means you might actually succeed.

Too many of you are waiting for that something. And you know what? It might never get here. So let’s fix that right here, right now.

Too many of us are waiting around for permission to take the next step. For someone else to bless what we’re doing and say it’s OK.

So this post is your official permission slip. Print it out if you need to, and stick it up on the wall.

It really is that simple! If you KNOW what you need to do to succeed in your teaching business, but you’re waiting around for someone to give you PERMISSION to actually do it, then today is your lucky day!

If you need permission to raise your tuition rates…

I give you permission to charge your students what you’re worth! Or, as Sonia so eloquently put it:

You have my permission to launch something more expensive than you ever have before. You have my permission to position yourself at the premium end of the pricing scale. You have my permission to quote your prices without apologizing for them. You have my permission to create a more valuable product and charge accordingly. You have my permission to focus on the customers who can afford the best you have to offer.

If you need permission to launch that new “thing”…

I give you permission to launch that new website for your teaching business, to set up your opt-in email list and to kick your marketing plan into overdrive. I give you permission to launch your first group guitar class. I give you permission to do that “thing” you’ve always dreamed about doing to grow your business, but never had the guts to try.

Like Sonia said:

You have my permission to ask for the sale. You have my permission to sell even if it upsets some people. Which it will. You have my permission to ignore these people.

If you need permission to set some boundaries…

I give you permission to filter out any and all distractions so you can focus on the things you need to do.

Or, as Sonia would say:

You have my permission to take a break from social media. You have my permission to work in a focused, coherent way on your own project without being interrupted every five seconds. You have my permission to turn off email for awhile. You have my permission to take your laptop to a coffee shop and work in peace. You have my permission to not answer the doorbell. Or your phone. Or your IMs.

If you need permission to take your business seriously…

I give you permission to think of yourself as a BUSINESS OWNER…even if nobody else does yet! You ARE a business owner and you DO have something incredible to offer your students…your CUSTOMERS.

Again, Sonia said it so well:

You have my permission to spend as much time and money on your business as you do on your hobbies. Or on other people. Especially people you don’t actually like.

You have my permission to envision your business being 10 or 100 or 1000 times bigger some day. You have my permission to get there.

If you need permission to call yourself an expert…

I give you permission to stop doubting yourself and your abilities. You ARE a good guitar player. You know more about playing guitar than the average person, and you know how to communicate that knowledge. You are an EXPERT in whatever stream of guitar you practice.

Sonia knocks it out of the park on this one:

Sonia gives you permission to admit that you know your stuff.

You have my permission to speak and write confidently about what you know. You have my permission to teach what you know. You have my permission to stop pretending you’re dumber than you are. You have my permission to ignore the critics and wannabes who will never, ever be as brave as you are.

You have my permission never again to use the phrase, “Well, I’m no expert, but …”

If you need permission to (fill in the blank)…

We all need “permission” to take the next step from time to time…it’s totally OK. That just means you’re a human being like the rest of us. You HAVE permission to be successful…so what are you waiting for? Get moving!


What’s that ONE THING you know you need to do to grow your teaching business in 2012? Leave a comment below to tell me about it…if it’s really cool, I’ll write you a permission slip on the spot!


Stuck In a Rut? How To Move Forward With Your Teaching Business! was last modified: November 14th, 2012 by Donnie Schexnayder
