STG 135: Avoiding Overwhelm In Your Teaching Studio


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One of the biggest reasons students quit taking guitar lessons is because they start to feel overwhelmed. Interestingly enough, this is also one of the biggest reasons why guitar teachers give up on their teaching studios and decide to do something else for a living. Overwhelm is like a two-edged sword that can wreck your teaching business from two different angles at the same time, but if you can understand why people get overwhelmed and learn how to operate your business in a way that minimizes it, you can be more successful and a lot happier as a guitar teacher.

In this episode, I’ll cover some of the historical science behind why people are a lot more prone to feel overwhelmed in today’s modern world than ever before, I’ll give you some great tips on how to erect a “safety zone” around your business and your life so you can avoid getting overwhelmed yourself, and I’ll give you some advice about how to protect your students from too much information and thereby keep them in your studio longer. Understanding and avoiding overwhelm can be one of the best steps you ever take for the development of your business…this episode will teach you how.

This PREMIUM episode of the Start Teaching Guitar Podcast is available exclusively for STG All-Access members!


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  • Full-length episodes of the STG Podcast with no advertising or commercials, including a mind map outline containing my PRIVATE NOTES used to record the episodes

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STG 135: Avoiding Overwhelm In Your Teaching Studio was last modified: December 26th, 2014 by Donnie Schexnayder
