I’m sure you’ve heard about Rocksmith by now…it’s a new guitar-based video game similar to Guitar Hero and Rock Band, except for one important difference: you play it using a REAL GUITAR! Those other “guitar-based” games were all basically just “guitar karaoke”…they helped you develop rhythm and timing a little bit, but those toy guitars […]

Using Written Practice Schedules With Your Students
Just like writing down your goals helps them to come to pass, writing out a practice schedule helps you plan and do the things that will make you the guitar player you want to be. Like I’ve mentioned before, your students need to know exactly WHEN they’re going to practice, for how LONG, and exactly […]

Helping Your Students Set Musical Goals
The whole process of improving on the guitar is driven by setting and reaching musical goals. Setting goals really is the key to success, not just with the guitar, but in every area of life. It’s almost impossible to master something as complicated and vast as the guitar without setting some clear goals that you […]

Practicing Stinks! – Part 1
What do you think is the single most important thing you can do that will help you become a better guitar player? Laying out the money to buy a quality instrument? Listening to inspiring guitar music? Finding a great teacher? Nope. The biggest factor in your quest to become the best guitar player you can […]