One huge way to help your students stay motivated and keep making progress on the guitar is to make sure they always track their overall progress. There are some clear stepping stones along the path to mastery, and you should acknowledge their progress as they pass each one. These are your student’s milestones…you want to […]

Using Written Practice Schedules With Your Students
Just like writing down your goals helps them to come to pass, writing out a practice schedule helps you plan and do the things that will make you the guitar player you want to be. Like I’ve mentioned before, your students need to know exactly WHEN they’re going to practice, for how LONG, and exactly […]

Helping Your Students Set Musical Goals
The whole process of improving on the guitar is driven by setting and reaching musical goals. Setting goals really is the key to success, not just with the guitar, but in every area of life. It’s almost impossible to master something as complicated and vast as the guitar without setting some clear goals that you […]

Common Misconceptions About Playing Guitar – Part 3
In the final article of this series, I want to talk about two more common misconceptions related to playing the guitar. If you’ve been following along up to now, you already know about the myths many people believe about GENETICS (Part 1) and about EXPECTATIONS (Part 2)…so let’s take a few minutes today and talk […]

Common Misconceptions About Playing Guitar – Part 2
In this article, I want to cover 2 more common misconceptions about learning how to play the guitar. These two myths have to do with expectations. The first misconception many new guitar students have is thinking that learning how to play is easy…it isn’t! Remember, if you can get in front of these incorrect beliefs […]

Common Misconceptions About Playing Guitar – Part 1
In this series of articles, I want to talk about some common misconceptions new students can have about learning how to play the guitar. Many of your guitar students will have some incorrect assumptions when they come to study with you. These misconceptions can affect how fast they make progress on the instrument and whether […]

Sure You Can Play, But Can You Teach?
There are lots of people out there who call themselves “guitar teachers”, but all teachers are NOT created equal. Just because you might be a great PLAYER, that doesn’t automatically make you a great TEACHER! There are 2 kinds of guitar teachers: GOOD ones and BAD ones… If you’re a good guitar teacher you will […]

An Easy Way To Help Keep Your Students From Quitting
Here’s a really easy way to help keep your students from quitting. Keep things fun! If they’re like most people, your students work hard all week at work or at school. They’re interested in the guitar because they love music and they want to express themselves creatively. It’s one of the few times in the […]

How To Help Your Students Get Out Of The Rut
Frustration can be the biggest enemy for your students when learning how to play the guitar, but it doesn’t have to be. Everyone who ever quit playing guitar did so because they got frustrated. The truth is, we ALL get frustrated with our development once in a while…a small degree of frustration is unavoidable…but it’s […]

The One Thing That Determines Your Level Of Success
I want to tell you about the most important part of your body that you use when you teach guitar…can you guess what it is? (hint: it’s probably not what you think!) If you thought the answer was “fingers” or “hands” or even “mouth”, you’re wrong…the most important part of your body for teaching guitar […]