In this video, I’ll be demonstrating how to create a website for your guitar teaching business in 30 minutes or less. I’ll cover how to set up a hosting account, register a domain name, install WordPress, navigate the admin console and configure it for use. (more…)

Before You Buy A Mac For Your Teaching Business
This might seem a little off-topic for my site, but a computer is something that can really help you organize your teaching business and get things done a lot faster. You probably already understand that, since you’re using a computer to read this article right now. Everybody knows there’s an ongoing controversy about whether Macs […]

8-Year-Old Guitar Teacher!
I thought you might like this photo…it’s my 8-year old son, Ian, teaching one of the neighborhood kids how to play “Smoke On The Water”. Ian’s only been playing for a few months now, and he’s still very much a beginner, but here he is teaching his first guitar lesson. This just goes to […]