The new year is HERE and there are tons of ideas swimming around in your head about how you can make your teaching business more successful in 2012. Most of the time you know exactly what to do next; knowing what to do isn’t really the problem. The problem is often just taking action…taking that […]

The Secret To Teaching Fearless Guitar Lessons
Is fear keeping you from taking the plunge and starting your guitar teaching business, or from doing something BOLD to take it to the next level? This is a subject I happen to know a lot about. If I had to pick one overriding emotion that tries to dominate my life on a daily basis, […]

Practicing Stinks! – Part 2
What do you think is the single most important thing you can do that will help you become a better guitar player? Laying out the money to buy a quality instrument? Listening to inspiring guitar music? Finding a great teacher? Nope. The biggest factor in your quest to become the best guitar player you can […]

The One Thing That Determines Your Level Of Success
I want to tell you about the most important part of your body that you use when you teach guitar…can you guess what it is? (hint: it’s probably not what you think!) If you thought the answer was “fingers” or “hands” or even “mouth”, you’re wrong…the most important part of your body for teaching guitar […]