Have you ever made a decision and then lived to regret it later? Decision making is one of those few business tasks you can’t really delegate to anybody else. As an entrepreneur guitar teacher, the buck stops with YOU! Your business will succeed or fail based on the decisions you make, so it makes […]

STG 106 : How To Make Your Taxes Less Painful
Benjamin Franklin once said “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Tax season comes around every single year, and it’s a big source of stress and frustration for most small business owners, including guitar teachers. If you procrastinate and don’t do anything to prepare yourself for tax […]

STG 037 : How To Stop Procrastination From KILLING Your Teaching Business
This could be one of the most important episodes of the STG podcast I’ve ever done! Procrastination has the power to KILL your guitar teaching business like nothing else can…it silently, slowly drains away your productivity and keeps you from taking the bold, positive steps you NEED to be taking to be as successful as […]

The Biggest Lesson I Learned In 2011
In episode 14 of the STG podcast (available to STG All-Access members), I talked about the process I used to review the previous year and set goals for the new year. One part of that was reviewing the top 5 things I learned in the last year. I thought I’d take a minute and share […]

Stuck In a Rut? How To Move Forward With Your Teaching Business!
The new year is HERE and there are tons of ideas swimming around in your head about how you can make your teaching business more successful in 2012. Most of the time you know exactly what to do next; knowing what to do isn’t really the problem. The problem is often just taking action…taking that […]

The Secret To Teaching Fearless Guitar Lessons
Is fear keeping you from taking the plunge and starting your guitar teaching business, or from doing something BOLD to take it to the next level? This is a subject I happen to know a lot about. If I had to pick one overriding emotion that tries to dominate my life on a daily basis, […]

8-Year-Old Guitar Teacher!
I thought you might like this photo…it’s my 8-year old son, Ian, teaching one of the neighborhood kids how to play “Smoke On The Water”. Ian’s only been playing for a few months now, and he’s still very much a beginner, but here he is teaching his first guitar lesson. This just goes to […]

Using Written Practice Schedules With Your Students
Just like writing down your goals helps them to come to pass, writing out a practice schedule helps you plan and do the things that will make you the guitar player you want to be. Like I’ve mentioned before, your students need to know exactly WHEN they’re going to practice, for how LONG, and exactly […]