Just like with doctors in the medical profession, you can choose to generalize or specialize as a guitar teacher. That choice can make the difference between a thriving business with almost no competition and struggling to attract enough students to make a good living with your teaching studio. There are a few situations where […]

STG 114: How To Succeed At Offline Marketing
Advertising and marketing can be a challenge for any small business. The good news is that there are really only three kinds of marketing you need to learn about: online marketing, referral marketing and offline marketing. While you’re waiting for your website and referral program to kick in (which can take some time), there […]

STG 113: How Emotions Influence New Student Acquisition
It’s a very familiar story: a potential new student comes along through your website or some other form of advertising, they read all about the cool features of your studio and they seem to be getting close to signing up for guitar lessons…but then they decide against it. Maybe they even sign up with […]

STG 099 : 5 Marketing Mistakes That Drive Students Away
A lot of guitar teachers work really hard on marketing themselves to attract new students, but they don’t see the results they hoped for. The phone doesn’t ring and their email inboxes are empty, so they start to think that marketing is just a waste of time and their businesses never become as successful […]

STG 097 : How To Use An Amazing Guarantee To Grow Your Teaching Studio
Did you know that one of the best ways to grow your teaching studio is to offer a guarantee? Guarantees take away the risk of trying guitar lessons with you and provide a higher level of comfort for your potential students, but they can also be a tool to dramatically increase your student acquisition, […]

STG 085 : Growing Your Teaching Studio Through Special Promotions & Sales
There are two ways you can use marketing & advertising to bring in new guitar students: “slow and steady over time” and “in chunks”. Most of your marketing efforts will be focused on keeping a slow and steady stream of prospects and referrals coming in, but once in a while it can be very […]

STG 082 : Branding, Music Lessons and Mind Control
What do people associate with your teaching studio when they come into contact with it? Do you stand out in their minds and create a connection with them? Do they know exactly what you stand for and why they should choose you for guitar lessons? Strong branding is what helps cut through the “white […]

Guest Article – How To Get Guitar Students
Building loyalty with a local music store could yield results for years to come and build your guitar teaching business the right way. Finding guitar students can be tricky, and although it is arguably easier today than ever before, finding the right type of students takes some careful thinking. When you start out running […]

STG 075 : Understanding Your Students Better – Part 2 (Psychographics)
The first step towards attracting more new guitar students and growing your teaching studio is understanding your target market better. If you don’t know WHO you want to reach and HOW to get their attention, it’s impossible to put together an effective strategy that will help you reach your goals. Without this vital information […]

STG 074 : Understanding Your Students Better – Part 1 (Demographics)
The first step towards attracting more new guitar students and growing your teaching studio is understanding your target market better. If you don’t know WHO you want to reach and HOW to get their attention, it’s impossible to put together an effective strategy that will help you reach your goals. Without this vital information […]